A daily thought to keep you going successfully through your life!

  • Spirit-Given Words

    Luke 12:11-12
    Do not worry about how or what you should answer.... For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.

    In Soviet days, East German Communist authorities summoned fifteen-year-old Wilfried Gotter to a closed room and pressured him to join the army as a Communist. Wilfried was a committed Christian who wanted no part of Communism, but how could he withstand the authorities?
    "I was given a word from God," he later said.
    "It was Colossians 2:8: 'See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.'"

    The teenager quoted this verse to his interrogators and they seemed totally disarmed. They had no answer to that verse and they let him go.
    "In that moment," Wilfried said, "I really experienced what it says in the Bible - that when you are led before the authorities, you shouldn't be concerned about what you are to say."

    We seldom know the best thing to say - especially in the face of anger or opposition. But the Holy Spirit can give us the right thoughts. Trust God for His wisdom and His words on every occasion.

    "To have such words in such a situation wasn't due to my quick-wittedness or anything - I was only fifteen. These are the practical experiences of faith."   Wilfried Gotter.

    found at Turning Point, by Dr David Jeremiah.

    See you tomorrow, God willing.
    There'll be another Success Thought here for you then.
    Meanwhile, be blessed in all you do today!

Sol's Pithy Pointer: