Today's Inspiration:

12 - Good money management begins with
Understanding God's Universal Law of Living:

Genesis 8:22
22 "While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
Cold and heat,
Winter and summer,
And day and night Shall not cease."
New King James Version

God instituted the universal Law of Seedtime and Harvest to be a blessing to the human race.
God meant this law to ensure that when ever I Give and can expect to Receive when harvest time comes around.

This is what the Apostle Paul says to Christians about sowing and reaping:
2 Corinthians 9
6 Remember: A stingy planter gets a stingy crop;
a lavish planter gets a lavish crop.
7 I want each of you to take plenty of time to think it over, and make up your own mind what you will give. That will protect you against sob stories and arm-twisting. God loves it when the giver delights in the giving.
8 God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you're ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done.
from THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language

The Apostle warns us against giving in to people who want to manipulate us to give with a sob-story.
Likewise, we have met those who want to force us to give by using threats and the arm-twisting method.
So we must take our time and let the Lord put into our hearts exactly what we must give.

But, you say, how will I know what the Lord is saying?

That's where taking time to cultivate a relationship with our Father in heaven comes in.
The Lord Jesus says this:
27 My sheep recognize my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27
The Living Bible

Father, thank You that you not only want me to sow and reap, but even more wonderful is that You want me to cultivate a relationship with You, so that I will understand how to walk with You successfully throughout my life.
Thank You for showing me Your love for me through the life of the Lord Jesus Christ,
in His mighty name I pray,

Next installment tomorrow, God willing!
See you then, and meanwhile,
Have a great day walking with Jesus,
Sol Wise.