we are exploring the benefits of applying the Precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ to Your Life!
The blood that Jesus shed for me,
way back on Calvary;
the blood that gives me strength
from day to day,
it will never lose its power.
Lyrics by Andre Crouch
I Corinthians 6
18. Flee sexual immorality.
Every sin that a man does is outside the body,
but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.
19. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?
20. For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and
in your spirit, which are God's.
Having been justified and sanctified and cleansed from sin through the blood
of the Lord Jesus Christ, God has now made me fit to be a temple of the
Holy Spirit.
The idea of the human body being a temple is quite popular in today's culture.
However, for the Christian, our body needs to be kept holy, so that the Holy
Spirit feels comfortable living in us.
So how do I keep by body fit for the comfort of the Holy Spirit?
It's the only way:
we must be continually cleansed by the precious blood
of the Lord Jesus Christ.
But the Apostle Paul in this letter to the Corinthians warns us of a particular
kind of lifestyle that will ruin the Holy Spirit's ability to be comfortable
in our lives: sexual sin.
He alerts us that when we commit sexual sin, we sin against our own body.
The same way you got this letter on the internet, just so you can choose to
delve into the vast world of pornography which is also readily available to
you on the internet.
But if you choose to do that, two things will happen:
first, you will choke out the Holy Spirit's influence from your life;
second, you will sin against your own body.
But, you reason, looking at a few dirty pictures has nothing to do with my body.
Yes it does and you know it!
So today you need to make some quality decisions about your life.
Who will you make comfortable there?
God wants your body to be justified and sanctified and cleansed at all times:
a fit temple for the Holy Spirit of God to live in comfortably.
Father, forgive me for fooling myself and believing the lie that pornography
and sexual sin does not interfere with my ability to be a true temple of the
Holy Spirit.
Cleanse me and Justify me and Sanctify me again, so that the Holy Spirit has
access to every area of my life,
in Jesus' name I pray,